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London’s Calling – Let the games begin Part 1

Londons calling

Let the Games  begin

The London 2012 opening ceremony kicked off at 9pm yesterday (Friday 27th July 2012) it started off with a very picturesque farming landscape somewhat reminiscent of the shire from lord of the rings.  The scene showed Britain before the industrial revolution had took place. With Danny Boyle at the helm he made sure the themes for the ceremony remained secret until the very last minute. However it was apparent quite quickly after the farming scene that the ceremony would focus heavily on Britain through the ages.  After the farming scene low and beheld the mighty Kenneth brannagh came out playing the role of the famous the Victorian engineer sir Isambard Kingdom Brunel. And the farming scene quickly ended and emerging from the picturesque farming landscape came a roaring industrial Inferno Recreating a very detailed picture of Britain as the industrial revolution hit And Britain became the workshop of the world. Giant Smoke towers soared into the sky and a river or molten iron ran through the set. It is estimated more than 2,000 people took part in the industrial scene and they were all dressed in period clothing it is worth saying that many of the dancers/performers volunteered to be in the opening ceremony. Towards the end of the industrial scene there was a short period covering the world wars where the performers paid respect to the fallen. At the same time this was happening 5 glowing rings appeared and came together to form the legendary Olympic rings.